A Certificate of Compliance is a document that is regulated by the Victorian Building Authority and is referred to as "Regulation 1507: Certificate of Compliance – Design".

The Victorian Building Authority administers Victoria’s building legislation system. The document is a statement made by the engineer to the Building Surveyor that all structural design works have been carried out in accordance with the Building Act 1993, the Building Regulations 2006, the Building Code of Australia and the relevant Australian Standards.

In order to complete your Building Permit application, your Building Surveyor may request a Certificate of Compliance from an engineer pertaining to your proposed development. This document gives you and your Building Surveyor confidence that all design work has been completed by us to the required standards as set by the Victorian Building Authority At Melbourne Civil & Structural Engineers, we have qualified, experienced and licensed Engineers to check the design independently and provide a Certificate of Compliance.

If you are unsure or need help, talk to our Professional Engineer on 1300 12 4567.

Thank you for your inspection and advice today. Your assessment makes me feel much more confident about the structure of this old house. Many thanks.

Peter Li - Canterbury - VIC
Certificate of Compliance Form 1507

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